Getting Invoved

St. George Art Museum Is Recruiting New Volunteers & Docents

Volunteers and Docents are a crucial part of our educational efforts and community outreach here at the St. George Art Museum. All volunteers and docents, with a minimum of 4 hours volunteered monthly (48 hours per year) receive a FREE membership to the museum as well as other special perks. We are so grateful for their help and support in bringing art to our community. Opportunities may include leading our 5th grade tours in the Fall, and our 4th grade tours in the Spring. These tours give the opportunity for students from Washington County to visit the museum and learn about our collections.

Interested in becoming a volunteer or docent? Wonderful, here’s what to do next: 

  1. Fill out and submit your application by clicking the "Volunteer Application" button below.
  2. After we contact you and invite you to be a volunteer, you will need to report to HR at 220 N 200 E with your Driver's License or State ID and pass a background check.
  3. Once we inform you that you are able to start, you can report back to this page and click the buttons below to sign up for the activities you'd like to help out with!